The Child Within is in conflict
The Child Within is in conflict as a child we intuited our basic birthright of truth but godlike nurturing by society and past norms contradicted us. Our nurturers claimed to love us but often behaved differently. Our confusion as children is understandable: in needing to believe in the goodness of our upbringing we, in our dependency, had no choice but to doubt ourselves. They lied to us—and where they did we became corrupted. We became like they were. But now we are adults. We no longer live under their tyranny, however mild or extreme it was, or under the strangling social systems that support them. We have options. This is the privilege of adulthood, and the privilege of the insight that comes with it. We again intuit truth and discover that when we are honest we do not die, but instead feel affirmed. This leads us to believe that the truth at our core is more powerful than the lies imposed upon us by our upbringing. We sense that with patience and perseverance we re-program the awakening of truth into all the dark and unconscious recesses of our shadow self and into all the frozen sides of our personality. We sense that we can become fully conscious and awakened to our perfect child within.
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